Character Design - Task 4: Final Compilation

8/7/2024 - 22/7/2024
Week 12 - Week 14
Ng Jia Ern 0363033
Character Design
TASK 4: Final Compilation


Character Boards Presentation
You are to compile the finalized designs of your OC into a comprehensive Character Bible detailing aspects developed from Task 1 to Task 3: 

Expected output:
Character presentation boards - Your assignment progressions in 5 presentation boards that cover:
Narrative & concept development
Sketches & Studies
Poses, expressions
Hero poses, details, colour schemes
Turnaround studies 
Design details i.e texture, motifs, props, equipment

Task 4 Assessment breakdown:
Artwork pitch - Full Wish Screen render, Banner, Profile Icon, UI Side Icon (15%)
Model sheet and packet + turnaround default outfit (10%)
Board display and compilation (5%)
E-portfolio (10%)

Links to Previous Task:

Character Board Compilation:

Task 1, 2, 3, 4 Slide Compilation:

Remi Presentation:


Struggles with Completing Assignments

  • Indecision and Perfectionism:
    • One of the most significant challenges I faced in character design was my indecision, which led to delays in completing my assignments. I constantly found myself second-guessing my designs, feeling that they weren’t unique or good enough. This mindset caused me to endlessly tweak and modify my character concepts, which prevented me from finalizing any design on time. As a result, I often submitted my assignments late, with some parts of the design still incomplete.

Seeking Inspiration

  • Pinterest and Xiaohongshu:
    • To overcome my creative block, I spent a lot of time browsing Pinterest and Xiaohongshu for inspiration. I looked at various sources, including photos of real-life idols, analyzing their clothing, hairstyles, and stage designs. I also explored a vast array of Lolita dress designs, adding them to my reference gallery. By the end of it, I had over 800 images saved as references, which was both a blessing and a curse. While this extensive collection provided a wealth of ideas, it also contributed to my indecisiveness, as I struggled to choose a direction for my character.

Challenges in the Design Process

  • Difficulty in Finalizing Designs:

    • The design phase was the hardest part for me. I kept doubting myself, thinking that my ideas were not special or good enough. This self-doubt led to endless revisions, and I rarely ended up with a fully complete design. Moving forward, I plan to change my approach by forcing myself to create a complete draft first. I’ll focus on developing a coherent design from start to finish before revising or integrating the best parts into the final version. This method should help me avoid getting stuck in the cycle of endless tweaking.
  • Incomplete Deliverables:

    • Due to the time I spent in the design phase, I couldn’t complete other critical aspects of the project, such as expression studies and props design. I also ran out of time to draw alternative views of the character, such as side and back views, managing only the front view. This was partly because this semester was exceptionally demanding, with three heavy modules. The sheer amount of work required, coupled with my slow drawing speed, left me struggling to keep up.
  • Drawing Basics and Execution:

    • My fundamental drawing skills were another roadblock. The gap between what I envisioned in my mind and what I could actually draw was frustrating. This disconnect slowed down my progress and made the design process more arduous than it should have been. To improve, I plan to dedicate more time to practicing the basics, such as understanding human anatomy, sketching quickly, and studying color theory. I’ll also watch more tutorials and process videos from other artists to learn new techniques and improve my drawing efficiency.

Aspiring Projects and Future Plans

  • Turning OC into a Vtuber:
    • One of my long-term goals is to turn my original character, Remi, into a Vtuber. I’m interested in learning Live2D to rig her model and bring her to life. Since Remi is a small idol, it makes perfect sense for her to "reincarnate" as a Vtuber. I envision her streaming, singing, and playing games. This project excites me, and I hope to find time in the future to make it a reality.

Pose and Anatomy Challenges

  • Struggles with Poses:
    • While I’ve studied human anatomy and proportions, I still find it difficult to draw exaggerated poses or those viewed from challenging angles. To overcome this, I used a technique where I recorded myself performing the poses I wanted to draw. By analyzing the video frame by frame, I could capture the angles of limbs, the curvature of the spine, and the way clothing folds, which helped me create more accurate and dynamic poses in my drawings.

Enjoyment in Character Packaging and Merchandise Design

  • Designing Collateral and Merchandise:
    • Despite the challenges, I thoroughly enjoyed the process of designing collateral and merchandise for my character. Although it wasn’t required by the assignment, I designed badges, cups, and even laser tickets for my OC. I found this part of the project incredibly satisfying and plan to have some of these items custom-printed to keep as collectibles. This side of character design allows me to expand the world of my OC beyond just the drawings and helps to create a more immersive experience.

Gratitude and Support from Lecturer

  • Support from Ms. Anis:
    • Throughout this challenging process, I’m incredibly grateful to my lecturer, Ms. Anis. During our classes, she provided not only valuable feedback but also strong emotional support. She consistently praised my designs for their uniqueness and offered constructive advice to help me refine them. Her approach made our interactions comfortable and stress-free, more like friendly conversations than formal critiques. However, this also made me feel guilty for not producing more ideas or completing my assignments on time. Despite this, Ms. Anis was very understanding and granted me extra time to finish my work, for which I’m deeply thankful.

Reflections on Character Design Experience

  • Overall Experience and Future Plans:
    • Despite the difficulties, I found character design to be a deeply rewarding and enjoyable process. I’ve grown very attached to my OC, and I plan to continue developing her. In the future, I want to create more illustrations of her in different outfits, further develop her story and personality, and explore new ways to bring her character to life. This experience has shown me the importance of perseverance and self-confidence in creative work, and I’m excited to see how my skills and ideas will evolve from here.
