Vehicle and Props Design - Project 2: Pre-production

24/6/2024 - 7/7/2024
Week 9 - Week 11
Ng Jia Ern 0363033
Vehicle and Props Design
Project 2: Pre-production



You are to create a suitable vehicle and props design for the world that you have proposed across for character design and anatomy (optional) or you can have it separate.. Your vehicle and props should communicate its functionality that reflect the world proposed. Note that for vehicle (man-made mechanical ), you are to choose 1 minimum from any of these types (land, air, water), whilst props are the components suitable to your vehicle where you will be continuously developing till your Final Project. 

Here you will be showcasing your ideation process as listed below:

  1. Moodboard and style guide
  2. Thumbnail Sketches ( 20 drawing in 2 sheets)
  3. Silhouettes (10 pieces in 1 sheet)
  4. Rough Value painting (5 chosen from the silhouettes) - 1 sheet
  5. Design breakdowns - min 1 sheet

Pdf collections of all the listed items. Each items should be in 1920 x 1080 pixels. Please keep your raw files as a proof. Progressions to be showcased in your e-portfolio at the end of your assignment. 


Project 2 involves designing the interior of the vehicle.

First, I searched for some reference images on Pinterest to create my moodboard, focusing primarily on airplane cockpits and futuristic spaceships.

The buttons, controls, and other details of the spaceship interior were mainly referenced from these two YouTube videos, which provide a detailed overview of the entire airplane cockpit's structure.

Vehicle interior sketch:

Rough Value Sketch:


Final Interior Render:


Some Explanation:

I took a photo of my car as a composition reference.

I refer to the airliner cockpit structure.

The sky picture was taken from the Pexels website.

Here are the details of references for my interior design.

Final Compilation:
